About Us
HELD Services LLC is located in Salt Lake City, Utah USA. Dr. Jude Higgins is an End of Life Doula, and a Spiritual Care Provider. She was a Spiritual Care Resident at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Vallejo, and Vacaville (Level II Trauma Unit) CA where she worked as a Hospital Chaplain, in addition to serving as the Resident Chaplain for their Palliative Care Team. She trained under the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP). Currently, she works as a Psychedelic Clinical Behavioral Health Chaplain at The Lotus Center for Healing and Wellness. She is enrolled in the Psychedelic Therapist certification program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She also plans on obtaining her board certification as a clinical chaplain.
Jude is a Ritual Artist as well as a facilitator for a variety of healing spaces and journeys. Her personal ancestral practice involves an interesting combination of spirituality from both sides of her family. Her mother’s side includes a long line of female en caul births, of which Jude was one. It is the case that “veiled” births have deep spiritual significance. On her father’s side, the O’Higgins name is the anglicized form of Gaelic O’hUiginn–a descendant of Uiginn, which is a byname meaning viking (sea rover). This distinguished Irish Clan was a branch of the O’Neills, said to descend from a grandson of Niall of the Nine Hostages, the 4th century High King of Ireland and founder of the Ui Neill Clan. Her ancestors include Drui “poets” of Ireland—seers for the Kings.
Many of Jude’s ancestors were addressed by the title, ollam which referred to a professional poet or bard of literature and history, and a member of the highest of the seven ranks fili, (achieved after at least twelve years of study becoming well-versed in both science AND magic).
As part of a king’s court, the ollam might combine the functions of poet, story-teller, and historian, including an accurate recitation of genealogies. The calling to the vocation was typically a family legacy.
As early as 574, members of the O hUiginn (O’Higgins) clan were recorded as hereditary poets in the courts of Irish Princes and Chiefs. As such they were accorded a status of nobility second in rank only to the King and were entitled to wear the same number of colours in their robes.
The O’Higgins family is a lineage of “inspired poets” who entered non-ordinary reality through trance, and brought messages back for Kings. They used what has been called the “Triple Gift of Imbas.” This is a type of high inspiration that results in holy prophecy, sacred divination, and enlightenment. There are three illuminations known as Dichetal Do Chennaib (chanting), Imbas Forosnai (sacred meditation/journey), and Teinm Laida (psychometry). The state of Imbas is reached through sound and rhythm. Jude uses such drumming in her ceremonial work.
Jude’s heritage is also enhanced through her mestiza lineage in New Mexico—a mix of indigenous and Spanish ancestry—especially Alonso Catiti from Santo Domingo Pueblo one of the lieutenants in the 1680 Pueblo Revolt that drove out 400 Spaniards and 2,000 settlers. Jude calls on all of her ascended ancestors in her spiritual practice.
Jude also worked for many years as a tenured cultural anthropology professor, and has a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy from the University of Utah. Jude has completed Dying Consciously Training, No One Dies Alone Training, and has thousands of hours as a Spiritual Care Provider in the hospital, hospice, and as an end of life doula.
She has been actively doing shamanic journey work, meditation, and guided visualization since 1992, and can provide these services for clients and families at their request. She is a trained facilitator in Parker Palmer’s “formation” or Circle of Trust work, and specializes in the construction of life history stories using interview techniques, and qualitative research methodologies. HELD Services LLC can help clients construct story – a critical component of the transition process that will allow individuals to identify the meaning and legacy of their life, as well as come to terms with any regrets or unfinished business they may wish to address. HELD Services LLC provides a Transitional Coaching approach to supporting patients and their families. Often, coaching sessions are approached with a specific focus in mind, and Jude or any trained HELD Doulas can help with this. HELD Services LLC can help families assess transitional situations, and present helpful solutions to clients and loved ones, as they navigate that difficult time. HELD Services LLC also offers a three-day, intensive, End of Life Doula Training Course. This training will provide individuals with all the tools necessary to become a Soul Midwife, End of Life Doula, and/or Transition Coach—whichever term you prefer. By the end of this course, students are able to guide, support, and hold space for dying individuals and those closest to them. Jude also offers End-of-Life Trainings for various hospices and hospitals in the Utah area.
Read moreMission
HELD Services LLC supports families and clients through the end of life process to create a meaningful death experience. HELD Services LLC provides education, planning and resources for end of life choices, and is dedicated to honoring the client’s goals and wishes around their care through a wide array of compassionate services. HELD Services LLC also facilitates End of Life Doula training for those called to this work.
Through personal empowerment, contemplative practice, and discussion, HELD Services LLC is a model for the use of transformative practices in support of the dying process. HELD Services LLC assists individuals, families, and communities to create a sense of comfort and peace during end of life transitions.

End of Life Doula Training Program
Help From an End of Life Doula LLC welcomes you to your Death Doula Training. This three-day, intensive, course will provide you with all the tools necessary to become a Soul Midwife, End of Life Doula, and/or Transition Coach—whichever term you prefer. By the end of this course, you will be able to guide, support, and hold space for dying individuals and those closest to them. There are numerous reasons individuals are called to pursue this work. You might have had a sacred experience around the death of a loved one, or you might have felt that a death you experienced was actually lacking—even though at the moment you might not have been able to determine why.
Read moreTransitional Coaching
HELD Services LLC provides a Transitional Coaching approach to supporting patients and their families, and typically the coaching is approached with a specific focus in mind, and your doula can help with this. All areas can be explored sequentially or separately depending upon goals of care and the individual needs and wants of each patient. Our program is structured to allow a customized approach for each family based on their specific needs. At the time of vigil, your doula will stay continuously with the family while using the patient’s specific guided visualizations, music and other selected practices to foster a calming atmosphere for a peaceful transition.
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Janet Gray
"You are an important healing angel in my life transition.
You are a special death doula, and are allowed to visit anytime. I should just give you a house key for your convenience."
Bonnie Chapman and Mary Huck
"Jude higgins served as our death doula for our mother. She was kind, considerate, available, and instructive to my sister and me as our mother, at 95 years of age, went through the final stages of dying. Jude was compassionate, caring, and helpful to our mother and to both of us."
Lyle M.
"Your visits always boost my spirits. You're an angel."