
HELD Services LLC™

Help from an End of Life Doula

Transitional Coaching for Patients and Families


Through personal empowerment, contemplative practice, and discussion, HELD Services LLC is a model for the use of transformative practices in support of the dying process. HELD Services LLC assists individuals, families, and communities to create a sense of comfort and peace during end of life transitions.


HELD Services LLC supports families and clients through the end of life process to create a meaningful death experience. HELD Services LLC provides education, planning and resources for end of life choices, and is dedicated to honoring the client’s goals and wishes around their care through a wide array of compassionate services. HELD Services LLC also facilitates End of Life Doula training and certification for those called to this work.



Without attachment to outcome or judgment, we commit to being fully present in sorrow and joy.


We work together with families in good faith and goodwill.


We focus on listening rather than speaking to assist clients in exploring, identifying and discussing their emotional and spiritual needs.


Our actions are bound by honesty, respect and accuracy.


We will not try to fix, save, advise, or correct others. We open ourselves to meeting clients where they are and commit to bringing compassion and honor to each situation.


Our service is guided by the desire to ease suffering, provide comfort, and gently shift the conversation surrounding death.